Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quick Update

I'm drinking skim milk right now and am getting ready to hop in bed with this little Asian girl who's been sleeping for over an hour. She brought me up her computer to use since mine's being raped by the Geek Squad right now -- the victim of trojan horses and spyware. Hydra-like shit, as in the motherfuckers regenerate even though I disable system restore and remove them in safe mode and etc etc. Somewhere a kid drinking Mountain Dew and playing Counterstrike has a boner. Fuck you, kid.

Any of you who know me on a somewhat intimate level know that I'm not very vocal about my relationship with Ms. Kimberly. This isn't because I don't care about her; I do. I'm just an insecure young male who doesn't know what he wants and doesn't know where life will take him. I also can't stand when people can't shut the fuck up about their cool BF of GF and the trite things they do for each other. I'm not a vocal relationship dude. However, I must say this: this girl, she fucking takes care of me. Like no other. The things she does for this asshole are unprecedented and she does them at the drop of a hat. And I'm ever-grateful. We also hate all the same people, so that's a plus. Anyway, no more V-Day talk on V-Day. The cliche spaceship is going to come down and beam me up by the dick if I continue.

The Women's Studies program is having a writing contest. 750 word essay on something due by March 3. I think I should, but I know I shouldn't (I've been called a misogynist before even though I loves da bitches, son. I think the girl just wanted to sound smart too). Having trouble of coming up with a topic. Any suggestions? I'm kind of leaning towards how I think traditional gender roles (physically, at least) are important for healthy relationships. Basically if I write the essay it's going to be like one big blog entry. I'll be sure to post it on here for you faithful readers.

What else, what else... Oh, yeah. New picture up. Big Papi Griffin brought the camera to the gym today so we got to boot goofin' (as my friend Dane would say). More shots of me and my arm. Compliment me so I don't feel insecure. I think the right gun (pow, mothafucka!) is pushing about twenty inches in that picture. Not bad.

I'm done with my skim milk. I'm off to bed to spoon and be spooned. I leave you wonderful human beings with a poem I had to write for class. Of course I altered the assignment to how I saw fit. I was supposed to do a mad lib poem, wherein I would keep the framework and insert my own nouns and adjectives. I said fuck that. So I kept part of the first line ("never mind the") and did my own little short and sweet.

Ice Cream in the Cold

Nevermind the cold wind
and smell of fire.

Let's eat ice cream like
summer on a porch.

Our hands will
get warm again.


Blogger E.A. said...


4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this made me smile. and i tend to agree w/ you on the whole gender roles, physically atleast, like you said... and the poem is nice

10:14 PM  

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